Most women experience some sort of discomfort associated with their pregnancy, including low back and mid back pain. Most women also believe that these aches and pains are something that they must accept and deal with, but the truth is they don’t. Chiropractic can help a soon-to-be mother manage these aches and pains, while allowing her nervous system to function at its absolute best. A well-functioning nervous system and by extension, body, allows a mother to combat the many stresses experienced by her body during pregnancy and labor.
Having your spine checked by a chiropractor ensures that it maintains normal function. This is especially important in the mid back and low back regions, which experience significant postural stresses associated with a growing baby and belly. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy not only help to alleviate the pains of pregnancy but can also ensure that your pelvis is functioning correctly to allow optimum room for your baby to grow and move.
As your baby grows larger, hormones in your body begin to relax your joints to prepare you for your baby’s arrival. Their weight, in combination with these hormonal changes, increases the force on the joints of the pelvis and spine resulting in changes to the way your body moves and functions. It is vitally important to ensure that your spine and pelvis maintain proper function during this crucial time.